- 2016-06-29 11:52:19
- 信豚艺苑
认真专注,始终如一。Focusing, be consistent.
提升个人价值,加速企业发展!Enhance personal values, accelerate the development of enterprises!
谦虚谨慎,持之以恒。Modest and prudent, persistent.
最后一个月,冲刺,无悔!The last month, sprinting, no regrets!
今天不走,明天即使跑也不一定跟得上。You must run fast if you even don't take a pace.
老实做人,勤奋做事,不自欺。Be honest, hard-working, not deceptive.
通往成功的唯一途径:勤奋。The only way to success: work hard.
积极主动,创造价值。Be proactive, and create value.
严冬不肃杀,何以见阳春。Warm spring hasn't be seen until someone has experienced the cold winter.
行动是战胜恐惧的最终途径。Action is the ultimate way to overcome fear.
站好节前最后一班岗。Guard well the last sentry before the National Day.
坚持、再坚持!Persist, and persist again!
只要你不放弃自己,上天就不会放弃你。As long as you do not give up yourself, God will not give up you.
金色九月,奋力一搏!Golden September, fighting!
大河东流浪逐着浪。The river flows east, and wave by a wave.
向英勇的女排学习!Learn from the heroic Chinese Women's Volleyball Team.
好钢用在刀刃上。Spend efforts where it is likely to do most good.
躲在被窝里的人,并不感到太阳的温暖。They do not feel the warmth of the sun who hide in the quilt.
今天所偷的懒,是为未来所挖的坑。You'll pay for your today's laziness.
往上走,即便一小步,也有新高度。It's a new height even you just go one step upward.
同心者同路。Being together is to be on the same way.【2016-06-27】
可传百年,人品铸就百年企业。Inheriting a hundred years, and character cast an everlasting enterprise.
积德虽无人见,行善自有天知。Although nobody see good deeds, God will know one day.
决战六月,提高效率!Battle of June,increasing efficiency.
集中精力,攻坚克难,创造佳绩。Concentrate on overcoming difficulty, and create brilliance.
慎而思之,勤而行之。Think prudently, and work perseveringly.
目标坚定,自助天助。As long as the target firm, god helps those who help themselves.
打理自己,照亮他人。Managing myself to illuminate others.
技精于专,做于细;业成于勤,守于挚。Technical stands on superb specialty and exquisite; career stands on diligent and sincerity.
人在一起叫聚会,心在一起叫团队。Team is the builtup of heart not that of people.
持续地奋斗!Continue to struggle!
站高一层想问题,跨前一步干工作。Standing a high level to think of the problem, and working ahead of schedule.
用心、专业、敬业!Diligent, professional, dedicated!
与众不同的背后,是无比寂寞的勤奋!Difference, is very lonely and hard work!
做好计划,提高效率!Making a plan, and improving the efficiency!
年关将近,计划置前!Near the end of year, planing in advance.
乱云飞渡,看清大局。Due to changing constantly, realizing overall situation.
2016,新起点,新征程!2016, a new starting point, new journey!