- 2014-12-29 15:59:46
2014即将过去,用积极的心态迎接2015,一切会更加美好!At the end of the 2014,we should take a positive attitude to welcome the 2015, then everything will become more and more beautiful.
你所浪费的今天,是死去的人奢望的明天。You waste today, who died yesterday expect tomorrow.
计划先行,精准管理,关注细节。Plan ahead, manage precisely, pay attention to detail.
善始善终。Start well and end well.
上进心、事业心,体现价值。The desire to do better, the dedication to work, reflect value.
有梦想,有行动,有未来。Have a dream, action, and the future.
做好规划,提前布局。Good planning, and arranging in advance.
持之以恒的学习精神和对自己未来负责的态度。The persevere spirit of learning, and the attitude of being responsible for our own future.
全力以赴,尽善尽美。Go to all lengths, reach the acme of perfection.
山路曲折盘旋,但朝顶峰延伸。Mountain road twists and turns, but extends toward the summit.
人要学会吃苦和吃亏。One must learn to suffer hardship and loses.
持续奋斗,勇创佳绩!Continue to struggle, to create new records!
整理心情,再踏征程。Finishing the mood, and stepping journey again.
立足本岗,多创价值。Based on the post,to create more value.
做一颗螺丝钉,哪里需要在哪里。Do a screw that it will go there where needs it.
积极主动地多承担工作,不是傻,是因为责任与梦想。Undertaking more work actively is not silly, but responsibility and dream.
美丽的太阳依旧升起,开学了,拥抱世界,继续努力!The beauty of the?sun still rises; term begins, let's embrace the world and keep trying!
人的能力是有限的,人的努力是无限的。One person's ability is limited while his effort is limitless.
革除官僚习性,持续狼性作风。Abolish the bureaucratic habits, and sustain wolf nature.
办法是想出来的。The method is to come up with.
莫道今年春将尽,蟾宫折桂会有时。Don't be regret for the end of this Spring, then we'll win the laurels finally.
心存敬畏。Be awe-struck.
七月异常,坚持坚守!In abnormal July, keep fighting!
美好的岁月不要在被动等待中虚度。Don't waste the good years in passive and await.
用主人翁的精神来看管理,以事业心的态度来做工作。To manage with sense of ownership, to work with the attitude of enterprise.
松懈的墨西哥成就了荷兰。Lax Mexico made the Netherlands successful.
精诚团结,关注细节。Cooperate with absolute sincerity,and pay attention to details.
世界杯精神:顽强拼搏、不到最后不放弃。The spirit of the World Cup:working hard, no giving up until the end.
抬头望路,低头拉车。Look up the direction, and pull the cart carefully.
节日快乐,幸苦了!Happy Dragon Boat Festival!
可以不聪明,不可不努力!You can not be smart but you should make effort.
大气做人,小细做事。Be careful while keeping generous.
用心工作,发现问题,解决问题。Work hard, to discover and solve the problems.
以身作则,倾心为公!Make an example, and with all heart to you!
在最能吃苦的时候不要选择安逸。Don't choose ease when you are able to endure the most hardship.
在奋斗中实现梦想!Come true in the struggle!
集中精力,攻坚克难。Concentrate on working, and keep going overcome difficulties.
不要等待机会,而要创造机会。Don't wait for the opportunity,just create it.
认真思考,做好规划,提高效率。Thinking seriously,planning,and improving the efficiency.
现在不累,老了就累。If you are not tired now, you will get tired when you are old.
思前想后,做好计划。After much consideration,making a good plan.
成绩=目标*方法*行动。Good results depend on goals,methods,and action.
先谋而后动。Planning before action.
但行好事,莫问前程。Good deeds should be done,and never mind the consequence.
工作上多画格子,而不是仅走格子。In our work,doing more planning, not only doing in the original way.
丹青数点墨,数划数鸟音。Skilled artist paints flowers and birds to life with a few pen.