- 2012-12-24 11:52:11
- 信豚艺苑
不到最后不放弃。Don't give up until the last moment.
持续的上进心。Desiring to advance continuously.
愿意吃亏的人,终究吃不了亏。He won't suffer a loss after all, who is willing to do this.
良好的工作习惯和职业素养。To keep good work habits and professional quality.
坚持坚持,再坚持!Persisting in the end.
言必行,行必果。Promises must be kept and action must be resolute.
进取、创新、品质。Being enterprising,innovative,character.
气温下降,劲头不降。When temperatures are dropping, peps aren't dropping.
利他之心。Having a heart of altruism.
本职工作做到一流水平。Our own jobs should be done according to the first-class level.
戒骄戒躁,继续向前。Guarding against arrogance and rashness,and moving on.
做企业就是做未来。Doing enterprise is doing the future.
坚守岗位,踏实工作,长远目光。Holding the fort,working steadfastly,having the long-term vision.
今天所做之事,勿侯明天;自己所做之事,勿侯他人。——歌德 Never leave that until tomorrow, which you can do today;Never leave that to others, which you can do by yourself.
风物长宜放眼量。Taking a broad view to look at all things.
万事始于“思”。Everything will be done from "thinking".
珍惜时间,让生命放光彩。Cherishing your time,let the life shine brightly.
持续改进。Improving continually.
坚守岗位,绝不松懈。Hold the fort,never slack off.
一鼓作气,再创佳绩。Go ahead,we can create better achievements.
谨小慎微。Being cautious.
齐心协力,再创佳绩。Pulling together,we can create better achievements.
深渊何所惧,英雄敢渡津。No matter how terrible depths, heroes dare to ferry.
一心一意干工作,全心全意促发展。Working and devoting wholeheartedly.
没有信仰的工作是没有意义的工作。The work without faith will be insignificant.
无私奉献,不计较,少比较,增强信豚能量库。Selfless devotion,no haggling,less comparing,let's enhancing the power of sintun.
商场就像欧洲杯,唯有战绩,不被淘汰。The business circles are like the European Cup,only records,we will not be eliminated.
不计较,不比较,自觉与企业的命运融为一体。No haggling,no comparing,let the fate of enterprise and ourselves fuse together consciously.
个人和企业都应有远大的奋斗目标。Individuals and enterprises should have a great goal.
越成功,越伟大,越应谦恭行事。The more successful,the more great,the act should be more courteous.
伟大的事业是人熬出来的。The great career needs paying patience.
梅花香自苦寒来。The fragrance of plum blossom come from the bitter cold.
诺言比生命更重要。Promise is more important than life.
紫荆枝下还家日,千秋羞咏豆萁诗。Uniting under the tree of redbud,bashfully readig the poetry of Douqi.
发而不中,反求诸己。If we couldn't hit the target,we should find the cause by ourselves.
以身作则,大公无私。Leading by example,being selfless.
生于忧患,死于安乐。Thrive in calamity and perish in soft living.
脚踏实地才能梦想成真。Being down-to-earth,then dream can come true.
好好思考,应该如何改进自己的工作。Thinking seriously,how to improve our work.
慎终如始,则无败事。To be careful all the time,there will be no fails.
没有琢磨,怎么能变得完美?No refining,how can be perfect?
上苍绝不会忽略真诚的努力和忠诚的决心。The god will never ignore honest efforts and loyal determination.
每一天都极度认真。Being serious extremely every day.
幸福信豚,让我们一起努力创造!Happiness of Sintun,let 's work together to create!
人生(工作)的成就=价值观*热情*能力。 Achievements=Values*Enthusiasm*Ability.
努力工作是现世最好的修行。Working hard is the best spiritual practice in the present world.
一年之计在于春,一天之计在于晨。The whole year's work depends on a good start in spring,and the whole day's work depends on a good start in the morning.
站好最后一班岗。Do better for the last station.
雄关漫道真如铁,而今迈步从头越。The strong pass of the enemy is like a wall of iron,yet with firm strides,we are conquering its summit.