

    把职业当事业,把事业当家业。Take your profession as your career,and take your career as family property.

    再认真一点点。A little bit more careful.

    精诚所至,金石为开。Faith will move mountains.

    有积累地工作和生活。Working and living accumulately.

    以企业经营者的角度思考和行动。Thinking and acting just as the enterprise manager.

    人生在世,生一日当尽一日之勤。We should do our best every day in our lives.

    把生命气息灌输入信豚。Instil breath of life into Sintun.

    以发展的眼光理性思考与行动。To think and act rationally with the development view.

    同舟共济,全力以赴。Pull together in times of trouble,and do our best.

    团结就是力量。Unity is strength.

    忘记今天的人将被明天忘记!People who forgot today will be forgetten by tomorrow. 

    成就一番伟业的唯一途径就是热爱自己的事业。(史蒂夫乔布斯)The only way to do great work is to love what you do.Steve Jobs

    集中精力,再接再励!Concentrating,and insisting.

    过去和现在的因决定未来的果。The reasons of the past and present decide your future.

    莫让年华付水流。Don't waste your time.

    做好计划,多出成绩。工作必需的时候,请牺牲星期天。Make good plans,and have more performances.Please sacrifice Sunday when work requires.

    勤俭、执着、团队、细节。Hardworking and thrifty,perseverance,teamwork,details.

    Trust is like an eraser,after you have errors again and again,it will become less and less,eventually disappear.

    远观忠,近观敬。Let them work far away to see if they are loyal,work nearby to see if they are respectful.

    一鼓作气,勇往直前。Go ahead,devote completely.

    唯有强大,才能立足。Only strong,we can stand.

    You can't decide what time the sun rises tomorrow, but you can decide what time you get up tomorrow.

    All work is to pursue perfection to every detail.Pure the life into the enterprise,and let the perfectionism become everyone's habit.

    勤俭节约未有不兴,懒惰倦怠未有不败。Being diligent and thrify will bring prosperity,while being lazy and slugish will never succeed.

    Why huawei made such great achievements in short time?It was made by time and painstaking effort of huawei.We should learn to huawei.

    履职尽责,全力合作,为信豚的发展贡献力量!Cooperate completely, do our duties for the development of Sintun!


    努力奉献,向信豚半年工作总结献礼!Hard devote,and pay tribute to summaries of mid-year in Sintun.


    旱灾与雨水同在,机会和激情同行。Drought exists with rain;opportunities walk with passion.

    职业是一个人完美人生的核心。Profession is the core of  perfect life for one people.

    Senior general will not fear to lay down his life on the battlefield, and will not to shirk his responsibility for his own fate.

    The long march,let some people that coudn't keep up with the pace left behind.

    人生要赢。Life should win.

    眼光改变命运。Vision change  life.

    价值决定地位。Value determine status.

    Career,family,life,is the everlasting order of truth.

    The whole year's work depends on a good start in spring,and the whole day's work depends on a good start in the morning.

    People should have long-term vision,not tangled temporarily.

    Loving the job you take;seeking the truth and being practical,doing better and better.

    Road remote,time long,tasting;achievement,glory,witnessing.

    There is never a mountain top unreachable by hands or a road end unreachable by feet.

    You can't be moved without sincereness;you can't be continuous without diligence;you can't be strong without unity;you can't be successful without value!

    The guns of Sintun's 2011 has began shooting,and every one should earnestly analyze our position,try our best to play our roles in the company,go all out to ensure into the 1st Group Army!

    With the life to work, make life shining.

    The year of the Tiger already past,leaving fierce strength;and the year of the Rabbit has come,showing more potential.Horn has already blew,and we are marching to the first group.

    The first-class ideas are inferior to third-rate execution.

  • 2011-12-26 15:07:53
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